Due Next Week:
Your proposal should include
-what the function of the wearable is
-how the wearable looks (a detailed illustration)
-why does it look a certain way (how is the appearance can be a metaphor for the function)
-which sensor(s) from your kit you will be using
-the output(s) the results of those sensors will be linked to, and how the output will work with the wearable
Your clothing or accessories can make sounds, light up, or move.
Based on what you learned week 5, you can also have these outputs be dependent on an input.
Use the Adeept_Ultimate pdf as a guideline for your existing components kit.
You can use Fritzing to create professional looking circuit diagrams if you want, but it is no longer free. It's $9
IN class:
Documentation of Drawing Machine as Fine Art:
- Script
- wiring diagram
- what the drawing arms look like
- what the drawing marks look like
- a link to a video of the machine working
-The writeup that explains the connections, purpose, and why this is important