Artist Presentation Due week 6 :
The presentation must be researched. You should have at least 3 published / peer reviewed/ editor approved sources. Not counting the artist's own website. Use the artist's website or even wikipedia to get information on the names of articles written about the artist, the names of artworks, and the names and venues of exhibition. This will help you find actual published sources, even if you use the web to locate them.
-Please include your MLA formatted bibliography as the last page of your presentation
-If you include a source, I will assume you have not only read it, but understand it and I may ask you questions during your presentation so be prepared.
-Do not include phrases or words in your presentation that you do not understand.
-Do not include detailed information about where and when the artist was born, where she went to school, etc. unless it is important to helping your audience understand the work.
-Instead, your presentation should answer specific questions listed below.
-Once you have the answers it is up to you to arrange them in a format that includes an introduction, a body of related information, and an ending statement.
You may choose one of two types of closing statement. Either explain how this artist relates to other contemporary artists in this same genre, *or* explain how this artist's work relates to your own creative work.
You will be graded on the following:
1) What is the artist's Genre?
1a) What are the aspects of the artist's work that qualify it as such?
1b) Does this artist also fit into other genres? If so, please describe.
2) What tools and mediums does your artist use?
2a) Give examples of how he uses them.
2b) Describe the artist's process. What is your artist's method for creating the artwork. This could be a technical process or a thought process (conceptual).
2c) Has it changed for different bodies of work over the years?
3) Is there a belief or philosophy that drives your artist's work? Perhaps an over-arching theme?
3a) Please describe, using specific examples of artwork.
4) Choose at lest one piece of the artist's work to decode for us.
4a) Explain what it means in as much detail as possible using visual descriptions of the work.
4b) Are there metaphors in the work?
4c) Why is this piece of work important?
4d) How does it fit in with the artist's overall body of work?
5) Closing statement (mentioned above)
The format can be powerpoint, keynote, PDF, Pinterest, tumblr or whatever works for you. For your presentation style you may choose to read all or parts of your presentation while showing us slides. Or you may include the following information as text in-between the images and/or videos you show us.
-Keep your presentation short and informative. Edit yourself. Practice. 5-7 minutes, 10 minutes tops.
Notes About Your Research process:
Research and presentation creation cannot happen at the same time. Avoid cut and paste plagiarism. (cutting and pasting phrases is plagiarism!) Research and writing should not even happen on the same day.
As you research, take notes, then reflect on those notes. Later, start your presentation from MEMORY. Trust yourself. When it's time to refer to a very specific piece of supporting DATA, then you may refer to your notes or even the original source with a citation.
Typing the artists name into a google search bar and reviewing only the first page of results is BAD RESEARCH. Use articles from JOURNALS in the LIBRARY. Google scholar is an interesting idea, but it still won't let you view the paid journals which we have access to through the library.
If you are using search terms, use good ones. Be more creative than just using the artist's name. Find out what publications have written about them and then find those. If you get stuck, find a real live LIBRARIAN. This is part of the expertise of research librarians.